Feb 22, 2025
Week #7—Day 7
AI and Humanity
Q. 10. How did God create man?
A. God created man male and female, after his own image, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, with dominion over the creatures.
Gen. 1:26-28; Col. 3:10; Eph. 4:24.
“We must engage these issues, rather than respond after their effects are widely felt. But we don’t have to face today or tomorrow with fear. God is sovereign and his Word is sufficient for every good work, so we are able to walk with confidence as we apply his Word to these challenges with wisdom and guided by his Spirit.” (Jason Thacker, The Age of AI: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity)
We live in a new day with a new threat to our humanity — the age of artificial intelligence. From smart phones to smart watches to smart houses, we deal with AI all of the time. AI is a language learning model, increasingly getting smarter and faster and more intrusive than what we may want. Ir is used in our doctor’s visits, our work places, our schools and even our churches. We may marvel over the technology but we have to deal with its effects on our lives.
Our humanity has been given and defined by God. We are made in the image of God, to exercise dominion and stewardship over the earth. We must be careful of what I call the “Babel Influence,” the desire to make a name for ourselves and do without any divinity in our lives. This coming “posthumanism” defies God and the Scriptures. I just finished teaching a class on AI and the Faith at church. Here’s a list of conclusions in an AI world —
•Beware the temptation to Idolatry
• Buying into a false idea of humanity and who we are and what we can do — just
“thinking machines”
• Remember the Tower of Babel!
• Beware of “singularity” studies and procedures — General human-like AI (AGI)
• Learn to be a better “steward” under God
• You, not AI, are called by God to be his ministers to all people everywhere
• Heed the Apostle Paul’s admonition that “Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive.” (1 Corinthians10:23) — What we CAN do is not always what we SHOULD do!
• Know the times — the promises and pitfalls of AI. Be SMART about AI. Lean with
spiritual maturity into AI.
A Puritan Prayer —
Every morning I vow to love thee more fervently,
to serve thee more sincerely,
to be more devoted in my life,
to be wholly thine;
Yet I soon stumble, backslide,
and have to confess my weakness, misery and sin.
But I bless thee
that the finished work of Jesus needs no addition from my doings,
that his oblation is sufficient satisfaction for my sins.
If future days be mine, help me to amend my life,
to hate and abhor evil,
to flee the sins I confess.
Make me more resolute, more watchful, more prayerful
Let no evil fruit spring from evil seeds my hands have sown;
Let no neighbour be hardened in vanity and folly
by my want of circumspection.
If this day I have been ashamed of Christ and his Word, or have shown
unkindness, malice, envy, lack of love, unadvised speech, hasty temper,
let it be no stumbling block to others, or dishonour to thy Name.
O help me to set an upright example that will ever rebuke vice,
allure to goodness,
and evidence that lovely are the ways of Christ.”
Excerpt From
The Valley of Vision
Edited by Arthur Bennett